
Tyr's Father.

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    The young warrior faced his final opponent. It had been a long and bloody tournament but Tyr had defeated every warrior he faced without so much as a scratch. Now he faced his most deadly opponent yet, a jotun more than twice his sized and heavily scared.
    It was something about the nature of jotun that the larger they grew the more powerful they were but also less intelligent and Wilder they grew. And uglier too. Everyone of Tyr's opponents so far had been massive and all were far stronger than the 15 year old. But still Tyr had defeated them all.
    He allowed himself a brief smile as he considered how close he was to proving the value of his fighting techniques. He had always believed speed and precision could defeat any opponent however strong and battle hardened.
    The powerful giant jotun drew his enormous sword and grin down at the small Tyr thinking his victory was moments away. The tournament was open to all Jotun from any of the minor kingdoms of jotunheim. Every battle was to the death and many of the fiercest jotun warriors had already fallen.
    The prize was, rather predictably, money but it held no interest for Tyr. He just wanted the challenge and a chance to prove himself. He drew his own sword and waited for his opponent to make the first move.
    The horn sounded to mark the start of battle and the massive warrior charged toward Tyr swinging a sword that must have weighed more than Tyr's whole body toward him.
    Tyr dodged the slow clumsy blow with ease and swung toward the jotun's legs. The giant jumped back showing more speed than would be expected from one his size. But Tyr was unsurprised he had spent many years silently watching warriors and had learned to gauge their speed and strength with little more than a glance.
    He knew his opponent was faster and smarter than he pretended to be but Tyr knew also that he was faster still. With superhuman speed he changed the direction of his blow angling his sword upward and catching the Jotun with a glancing blow across the stomach.
    The jotun hesitated confused, Tyr had moved so fast ha had barely seen the movement it seemed impossible. And in that moment of hesitation Tyr struck again. In his surprised the jotun unthinkingly raised his bare left arm to protect himself and received a deep wound for his mistake.
    The Jotun backed up and Tyr allowed him the space as he took a moment to asses how much the wound would slow his opponent. The jotun watched the small warrior wondering if his opponent was really a jotun at all and not some kind of magical creature.
    With renewed fury the Jotun struck again and again but Tyr parried every blow and predicted every feint. His sword was a blur of complex moves.
    As a child Tyr had loved to watch the warriors at work and his interest had grown to an obsession over time. He had practised every move and every parry over and over until he had trained his very instincts to react. His subconscious now knew the response to every attack and he could react with out taking time to think with a perfect counter.
    The young warrior had spent years meditating to gain absolute stillness so he could learn to control every tiny movement and now it was paying off. The jotun was falling back his every attack counter he was soon up against the wall and growing more afraid by the moment.
    Tyr was preparing to make the final blow his victory was close at hand. And then there came a familiar voice. Tyr's head turned to the crowd to see his father, Hymir, stood in the stands his face clouded with fear.
    Guilt filled Tyr's mind braking through his concentration. His loving father had, of course, not wanted Tyr to enter the tournament. Tyr's mother had died giving birth to him and Hymir had always feared loosing his son as well. He had even gone so far as to lock Tyr in his room but Tyr had escaped and joined regardless.
    The young warrior had hoped to win and return before his father found out where the tournament was held, before he could try to drag Tyr home. But now he was here.
    Tyr's opponent took full advantage of the young warriors distraction. With a powerful blow he knocked the sword out of Tyr's limp hand. It fell to the floor out of reach, useless. Tyr's attention snapped back to the battle just in time to dodge the next blow.
    He jumped back avoiding a swipe that would have cleaved his head in two. But not fast enough to escape all injury, a cut sliced across on of Tyr's cheek deep enough that he could already tell it would be his first scar.
    In the stands his terrified father called out again and once again Tyr could not help but glance up for a moment. The Jotun swung for another head shot but Tyr was faster to snap back and once again dodge receiving nothing worse than another cut crossing the first on his cheek. He focused his mind and shut out all distractions this time and barely heard his father's third call instead he took a deep breath and the world seemed to slow as his mind was once again focused wholly on the fight.
    Unarmed though he was Tyr was unafraid he dodged the next few blows with that same superhuman speed waiting for his chance. He knew better than to attempt to retrieve the fallen sword, even if he could get close reaching for it would mean he could not be dodging and that would be suicide.
    Instead he continued to dodge watching his opponent grow more and more frustrated waiting for him to make a mistake. After the fifth failed blow the large jotun was howling with rage.
    The jotun sheaved the slow heavy sword and drew instead a lighter dagger. he raised it high and struck downwards toward Tyr.
    And smile flickered across the young warriors face. This was exactly what he had hoped for, the easiest of the many ways he had already calculated to take down his opponent without need of his weapon.
    He side stepped the blow then placed his hand on top of the hilt over the jotuns and drove it down further. The Arch of the jotun's own blow combined with Tyr's guidance drove the blade deep into the jotun's leg.
     The massive jotun fell to the ground howling in agony. Tyr casually walked over to retrieved his sword and stood over the fallen man. The jotun's eyes widened with fear. “No please... I'll give you anything...”
    They both knew the battle was not ended until one of them was dead. Tyr had no choice and he knew if he hesitated his opponent would have time to draw his sword again and slice clean through the young warrior even from his stricken position.
    Tyr thrust his sword down killing his opponent as quickly and painlessly as he knew how.

    “What the hel were you thinking!? You're only 15! You realise the greatest mercenaries in the whole of Jotunheim enter that tournament!? Trained experienced killers! The winner is often hired on the spot by the richest lord there to kill for him! You are just a boy! How could you possibly think you could face them!?” Hymir had been yelling from the moment Tyr had left the tournament. They had been riding for several hours and Tyr had yet to respond.
    “Have you any idea how worried I have been?” Asked Hymir in a slightly quieter tone. Tyr nodded. “You didn't need to worry I knew what I was doing.” Replied Tyr at last.
“You're still a child!” Yelled his father. “You had no idea what you were doing! You've never even killed before that tournament how could you know what it would be like?” Tyr shrugged.
    He had not wanted to kill any of his opponents but he knew all bar one would have died whether or not he entered the tournament. He saw it as a mere unfortunate by product of his opportunity to prove himself and really test his techniques. After all everyone who entered the tournament knew the price of loosing.

    Finally they reached home. Hymir was a lord and owned one of the smallest lands in Jotunheim. Their little kingdom was surrounded by bigger more powerful enemies. The only reason it remained a peaceful place was the alliance Hymir had formed with the Aesir king. In spite of the alliance Tyr had never met the King of Asgard and so the man waiting for their return was a stranger to him.
    Odin greeted Hymir, who seemed none to happy to see the king. Tyr watched his father closely wondering if the man was an enemy. “You must be the Warrior Tyr. Nice to meet you young man. News of your victory has spready even to Asgard.” Said Odin with a warm smile.
    Tyr merely nodded in response. “15 years old and already the best warrior in Jotunheim...” Continued the Allfather with a slight gleam in his eye. “15 and three months exactly your servants tell me”  He added and shared a look with Hymir.
    Hymir put an arm around Tyr. “My son is a prodigy.” Answered Hymir emphasising the word my. Tyr glanced between the two frowning slightly. Odin merely smiled calmly. “Aren't you going to invite me to dinner Hymir? I think we need to chat.”
    The dinner was awkward with little said. Hymir seemed dying to say something but every time he was about to speak he would glance at Tyr and fall silent. Eventually Tyr grew curious. “Why exactly are you here?” He asked.
“To meet you of course.” Replied Odin. “Funny how in all the letters asking for the Aesir's aid Hymir never mentioned he had a son.” Once again the two lords shared a look. Tyr could see Odin's presence unsettled Hymir and this bothered him.
    In spite of their earlier argument Tyr loved his father deeply, he was the only family Tyr had ever known. Tyr knew his father worked hard to be everything he needed and he knew Hymir would blame himself for Tyr's defiant insistence on entering the tournament. Guilt washed through Tyr once again, but it seemed the presence of Odin had wholly distracted his father from his disobedience. He wondered if this was a good thing or not.
   After dinner Odin asked Hymir to speak his him alone so naturally Tyr followed and listened at the door. He knew what ever was going on he was at the centre of it and he had no interest in being kept in the dark.
   Odin spoke first. “He's my son isn't he? You tried to keep him from me.” Hymir glared at the Allfather. “We don't know. Ilmr herself was never sure. I raised him, he is my son.” Odin smile his infuriatingly calm smile.
“Yes you raised him. And what a great job you did.” there was mocking in his tone. “He ran away to join a battle to the death, Are you sure he's not too much for you to handle, after all you have this... little kingdom of yours to maintain. Maybe you just don't have the time he needs.”

    Listening at the door an instant hatred for the Aesir grew inside Tyr. He didn't give a damn who his biological father was, Hymir was his only family and he knew and this Allfather was was playing on Hymir's deepest insecurities to try and take this away.

    Inside the room Hymir looked down filled with shame and guilt. “You can't take him away..” He began but the Aesir king interrupted with “Because you need him? He clearly doesn't need you. In Asgard I can give him a job training warriors the challenge he craves. He will be Aesir given a hall of his own. Are you really so selfish that you would keep him from that?” Asked Odin calmly.

    Outside Tyr clenched his fists.

    Hymir looked down uncertain. “You will look after him?”
“Of course. He is my son.” Replied Odin. Hymir shook his head.
“He's my son.”
“I'm the greatest warrior in Asgard, you have never carried a sword in your life. How sure are you?
    You know this is what's best for my son and if you want my continued aid in protecting your little kingdom you will help me convince him of this.” Answered Odin. Hymir said nothing looking down feeling defeated. Odin headed for the door.
    Tyr headed back to the feasting hall before Odin could catch him eavesdropping. When the Allfather reached the room Tyr was sat picking at his food as if he hadn't moved since they left. Odin took the chair beside him and smiled warmly. “Tyr there is something you need to know. Hymir hid you from me because the truth is you are my son. Come with me to Asgard and you will be a lord with a hall of your own. I will give you warriors to train, a challenge at last.”
    Tyr looked Odin in the eye calmly, “Hymir is my father and this is my home. I am not leaving.” Odin frowned.
“He never told you the truth. You are my son.” He said softly.
“Hymir is my father, regardless of blood.” Repeated Tyr calmly. Odin gave Hymir a look.
“I'm sorry Tyr, but he's right you are his son... I always knew there was a chance but.. now we know for sure.” Said Hymir sadly. Tyr just shook his head.
    Odin smiled gently. “I know this is hard for you, but it's the truth and you have an opportunity to get a better life. You must return with me.” Tyr just shook his head again. Odin walked over to Hymir and mutter to him too quietly for Tyr to hear. Hymir shook his head looking horrified. Odin muttered something else and Hymir looked down.
    Odin turned back to Tyr. “You don't belong here you belong in Asgard, with me.” Tyr shook his head again. Odin gave Hymir a third look. Hymir stepped forward reluctantly. “Tyr... he... He's right. You can't stay here now we know the truth... You are not my son... You are banished from my land you must never return... You... you have to go with Odin.”
    Tyr stared at his father, shocked. “He's making you say this isn't he?” Odin shook his head.
“of course not my son. He just knows you don't belong here and now you must come with me.” Tyr fumed silently but he knew he had no choice he, had no where else to go.

    The journey to Asgard was silent. Odin repeatedly attempted to start a conversation with the young warrior but Tyr resolutely ignored him. When at last they reached Tyr's new home Odin led him to his hall and outlined his plans for Tyr's knew training regime. Tyr nodded silently.
    “I need to return to my hall now. I'll let you settle in my son.” Said Odin with a slightly forced smile. The silence was beginning to test his patience. Tyr looked him in the eye again. “You are not my father. You can force me to move here and I will earn my hall with my work, but you are not my father. You can make my father disown me but you can not make me yours.” He turned marched into his new hall and closed the door firmly on the Aesir King.
Had this worked out in the back of my head for ages as backstory for my version of Tyr but never occurred to me to type it up till today... I need practice with action scenes.
So anyway Tyr is the norse god of war and has always been one of my favourites so it's about time I wrote something for him ^^
In the mythology there are texts that call him Odin's son and others that say he is Hymir's so I guess this is my way of dealing with the confusion. Oh and the texts never name his mum but refer to her as an aesir and Ilmr is the name of an Aesir that is listed as a goddess but nothing else is said about her so made her tyr's mum. ^^ 
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ladyblackbird13's avatar
Poor Hymir. And poor Tyr. :(